Heartbleed Bug Does Not Impact VCNB Online Banking

In the news as of late, the Heartbleed Bug has caused concern to many of our customers. While it is important to learn about the many facets of this particular vulnerability, we want you to rest assured that The Vinton County National Bank is aware and monitoring the Heartbleed Bug as it pertains to customer information.

heartbleedPlease rest assured that our Online Banking Applications are not vulnerable to the Heartbleed Bug. However, it is recommended that you change your online banking password. Reason being, consumers have a tendency to use the same password among many websites, some of those susceptible to an attack.

To change your password, please log-in to your online banking and click the options tab. As a reminder, please do not ever change your password via a link in an email or give out your online banking credentials over the phone or via text message. It is the policy of VCNB to never solicit your online banking password, social security number or account numbers via telephone, text or email.

As a service to our customers, we strongly recommend you stay abreast of the situation with the Heartbleed Bug. Please change your passwords on those sites they feel have been effected. It is always a good rule of thumb to change your passwords frequently and to avoid using a password more than once.

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